About Materials Consultants
Materials Consultants is a leading provider of independent testing and sampling services for construction materials in the civil engineering, infrastructure and mining sectors in Western Australia. Its expertise extends to the testing of all concrete, soil, aggregate and road pavement materials used as part of the construction process, including:
- earthworks and foundations;
- road infrastructure development;
- commercial and industrial building development;
- quarry products, and
- materials for rail and ports.
Materials Consultants has been providing a high level of flexible service offerings to clients for more than 25 years, employing only the most proficient and qualified National Association of Testing (NATA) accredited professionals to ensure a consistent, and cost-efficient testing service.
Visit Materials Consultant’s website on www.matcons.com.au.

The company is accredited to conduct more than 100 test methods for Australian Standards (AS) and Main Roads WA specifications, and can also tailor specifications to meet clients own requirements for testing and sampling.
Materials Consulting specialise in NATA Accredited laboratory and field testing of:
- Soils;
- Concrete;
- Aggregate; and
- Pavement Surfacing materials.
Since their inception Materials Consulting has developed a reputation for providing customers with timely and quality testing services from its base laboratory in Osborne Park or via mobile cyclone rated site laboratories.